Vanessa Pellegrin, a San Jacinto resident, and Mario Herrera, who lives in Menifee, did the work Tuesday, Aug. 3, at Hemet Fire Station No. 1 on Juanita Street. They and art teacher Chet Glaze plan to finish refreshing the 2004 mural before Sept. 11, which will mark the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

“It’s a real benefit for the students,” Glaze said in a news release. “Not only are they getting a really critical opportunity for community service, which is hard to come by sometimes in art, but also they’re learning a valuable and very marketable skill in mural painting.”

Hemet Fire Department firefighter/paramedic Dan Sprague watched as the pair worked.
“Thank you for redoing this and making it look real nice,” he said, according to the release. “It’s nice to see some life in it.”
The Hemet Rotary paid for supplies and offered $100 scholarships to the students.
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