Tag: texas

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Nonprofits win big at the 16th annual Soboba Lip Sync Contest

It was a night of nonstop entertainment as a dozen local nonprofits competed for thousands of dollars in prize money at the 16th annual Soboba Lip Sync Contest June 14 presented by the Soboba Foundation and Soboba Casino Resort.

California Family Life Center chosen as 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year

Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh has chosen California Family Life Center as the 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year for the 23rd Senate District.

Southbound 15 Freeway Traffic Jammed After I-5 Shutdown

As of 11 a.m., two southbound I-5 traffic lanes were reopened. It was unclear when the freeway would fully reopen. A SigAlert remains in effect. (Renee Schiavone/Patch)

Four new California Laws going into effect on July 1

Subjects include safety at work and in bars, and the cost of renting a home or buying a gun.

Texas vow to ‘eliminate all rapists’ rings hollow at clinics

When Texas’ new abortion law made no exceptions in cases of rape, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott defended it with an assurance: Texas would get to work eliminating rapes.

NRA stages big gun show in Texas days after school massacre

The National Rifle Association begins its annual convention in Houston on Friday, and leaders of the powerful gun-rights lobbying group are gearing up to “reflect on” -- and deflect any blame for -- the deadly shooting earlier this week of 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

Texas takes new border action; ex-Trump officials want more

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday delivered new orders along the U.S.-Mexico border and promised more to come as former Trump administration officials press him to declare an “invasion” and give state troopers and National Guard members authority to turn back migrants.

Texas pipeline company charged in California oil spill

A Houston-based oil company and two subsidiaries were indicted Wednesday for a crude spill that fouled Southern California waters and beaches in October, an event federal prosecutors say was caused by a series of negligent acts that led to an hours-long leak despite alarms that should have alerted workers to a pipeline rupture.

Justice Department will ‘protect’ abortion seekers in Texas

The Justice Department said Monday that it will not tolerate violence against anyone who is trying to obtain an abortion in Texas as federal officials explore options to challenge a new state law that bans most abortions.


California Family Life Center chosen as 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year

Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh has chosen California Family Life Center as the 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year for the 23rd Senate District.

Southbound 15 Freeway Traffic Jammed After I-5 Shutdown

As of 11 a.m., two southbound I-5 traffic lanes were reopened. It was unclear when the freeway would fully reopen. A SigAlert remains in effect. (Renee Schiavone/Patch)

Four new California Laws going into effect on July 1

Subjects include safety at work and in bars, and the cost of renting a home or buying a gun.

California lawmakers send student gender notification bill to Newsom after explosive Assembly debate

After a chaotic debate on the Assembly floor full of shouting and tears, California lawmakers on Thursday sent Gov. Gavin Newsom a bill that would ban schools from requiring teachers to notify parents about changes to a student’s gender identity.
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