Letters & Opinions

A.I. Is Making the Sexual Exploitation of Girls Even Worse

Kat Tenbarge and Liz Kreutz of NBC News reported that several middle schoolers in Beverly Hills, Calif., were caught making and distributing fake naked photos of their peers:

Opinion: I’ve covered California’s homeless since before the word was used. This is what I learned

In 1980, I reported on Sacramento’s “public inebriates.” Most of them, a few hundred in all, lived in flophouse hotels. But some slept “in the weeds.”

These fed-up parents fought California’s pandemic schooling and won. Now what?

At the height of the pandemic, in spring 2020, Maria O. her husband and four children were quarantined in their one-bedroom apartment in South Los Angeles, each vying for privacy, quiet and adequate technology to work and attend school remotely.

Letters to the Editor

I have learned that at least one courtroom at the Larson Justice Center in Indio is vacant since a qualified judge is not available for duty. Due to a lack of judges here in the Coachella Valley, commuting judges from the areas of both Temecula and San Bernardino are assigned cases here. The net result in the lack of local judges is resulting in excessive waits at the Indio courthouse and delays in justice for our citizenry.

The Obama Doctrine vs. the West

The global and domestic landscape is one of turmoil and indecision. Everywhere one looks there is chaos and potential disaster, whether in the financial, economic, political, or military sphere.
