
Why are so many dying in California jails?

More people are dying in California jails than they did before the pandemic, and it’s not because of COVID-19.

Big Pharma has become a scapegoat for big wigs

"Big Pharma" is something the federal government has to deal with, and they do. However, there is something more compelling to the guy who wants to see his doctor.

Writers Corner: Fact-Opinion-News

I recently had a request from someone who wants to write for a local newspaper in Imperial County and needed some information as to what goes where in a newspaper and why. 

Writers Corner: Motivation

Brad from Rancho Cucamonga asks me to explain motivation. That may appear to be a dumb question, but it isn't. I've been asked that question a number of times.

Clergy Corner: Better Than $150,000.00?

 The Boston Marathon! What an amazing race! Back when I was in high school and spending a fair amount of time running track, my dad told me if I would prepare for the Boston Marathon and meet the qualifying time, he would sponsor me.
