Rusty Strait


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Quoting or plagiarizing?

I’ve been away for a while. I had to reach 100 before my heart decided to attack me. I’ve followed the rules and now I’m pretty much back to normal with all my faculties, and I’m ready to take on my daily routine

Local PV power lost to dirty panels

When, if ever, have you cleaned the solar panels on your roof? I did some research and discovered that Valley residents haven’t cleaned their photovoltaic solar panels in months, if ever.

Local PV power lost to dirty panels

When, if ever, have you cleaned the solar panels on your roof? I did some research and discovered that Valley residents haven’t cleaned their photovoltaic solar panels in months, if ever.

Plot or characters

During my illness, I received several inquiries about the importance of plotting and characterization in a novel.

Big pharma has become a scapegoat for big waits

Big Pharma is something the federal government has to deal with, and they do. However, there is something more compelling to the guy who wants to see his doctor.


TikTok Changed How We Talk About Health

It has turned doctors into stars, put taboo subjects...

She Is in Love With ChatGPT

While scrolling on Instagram, she stumbled upon a video...

California is years behind in implementing a law to make homes more fire resistant

Reeling from destructive wildfires, including the deadliest in California history, state...

Civic leader Steve Soboroff to head L.A.’s wildfire rebuilding and recovery efforts

Former police commission President Steve Soboroff will lead the...