
States with big climate goals strip local power to block green projects

Clean energy developers had planned a 75-turbine wind farm in mid-Michigan’s Montcalm County before local voters shot down the idea in 2022 and recalled seven local officials who had supported it.

New Google geothermal electricity project could be a milestone for clean energy

An advanced geothermal project has begun pumping carbon-free electricity onto the Nevada grid to power Google data centers there, Google announced Tuesday.

UN chief calls for an “ambition supernova” as nations make minor progress on climate action

Countries’ climate action plans are still far behind what’s needed to curb human-caused warming and limit the devastating effects of extreme heat, storms and droughts, but some nations have taken marginal steps toward slashing emissions, a United Nations analysis of national plans found Tuesday.

Exclusive: How pollution from dry cleaners left California sitting on cancer-linked ‘time bombs’

The deep, crystal blue waters of Lake Tahoe are the iconic centerpiece of one of California’s most famed recreation areas. A local water provider is among the biggest cheerleaders of the lake’s legendary clarity, boasting this on its website: 

Even with carbon emissions cuts, a key part of Antarctica is doomed to slow collapse, study says

No matter how much the world cuts back on carbon emissions, a key and sizable chunk of Antarctica is essentially doomed to an “unavoidable” melt, a new study found. Though the full melt will take hundreds of years, slowly adding nearly 6 feet (1.8 meters) to sea levels, it will be enough to reshape where and how people live in the future, the study’s lead author said.
