Outside the San Jacinto City Council last night, it was chilly, and inside there was warmth and friendliness. Something about this particular council reminds one of a Sunday after dinner round table where everyone has something to add, but rarely is their bad blood within the family. So it was last night.
After roll call, invocation and pledge of allegiance the meeting was open to mayoral and council member reports.
The council approved the following issues:
A. Approved the minutes of the November 16m, 2021, Regular City Council Meeting.
B. Authorized the Mayor to sign the amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement of the Western Riverside Council of Governments.
C. Waived further reading and adopted Resolution No. 3894, compliance with the annual inspection of certain occupancies pursuant to Section 13146.2 and 13146.3 of the California Health and Safety Code.
D. Authorized the City Manager to:
1. Opt into a settlement agreement with opioid distributors Amerissource Bergen, Cardinal Health, and McKesson, directing the City Manager to execute any documents necessary to implement the action.
Rusty Strait | Senior Reporter
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