If you have not yet voted in the Special Election for the City Council seat in District 4 (Males vs. Searl), you may want some facts before casting your essential vote. We have four council seats at this time and a 5th council member will change the balance of power.
It will be the difference between the “same ole same old” (Searl) and new blood (Males) taking bold steps to make the City of Hemet the kind of city we are proud of.
For anyone seriously considering a vote for Marc Searl, you should be aware of the following. Public information, proof of Searl and his lack of ability or willingness to do the right thing. How many of you know who was on the city council when Searl was there, as Mayor no less? For starters, Robin Lowe who was cited by the Grand Jury for her conflict-of-interest activities between the defunct “Prime Of Life” (she was the executive director of this failed organization). Also on the city council during this period were Christie, Lowe, VanArsdale, McBride and Searl. As Mayor, Searl didn’t do much to correct the ills of the city. If anything, he was part of the problem. It seems none of the council felt it was necessary to take any action against Lowe, even though she had been cited and it was felt, should be charged. Follow the link below for detailed information regarding the city’s very late decision to disassociate itself with Prime of Life. As a sidebar, note that Lowe sits on the Hemet Infrastructure Committee*.
Hemet resident Stacie Olson asked, “Why is Marc Searl running now, when he didn’t run for a second term when he was on council before? And what did he do in the four years he served to clean up our city and make it better? Considering the condition of our city, I don’t want any old blood on the council! I want fresh people like Joe Males to implement new ideas and new strategies! The older council members did nothing but run our city into the ground! We are long overdue for a fresh start!”
Hemet activist Pat Gregory, seen regularly at City Council meetings, states, “From 2006 to 2009 when Mr. Searl was on council Hemet had a huge deficit every year. I strongly support our police, but Mr. Searl’s campaign is using emotionalism instead of fact. Do you really want someone who can’t run a fiscally sound city?”
As a side note, have a look at Searl supporters: Dave Brown, former Hemet Police Chief who didn’t exactly leave a legacy of improved public safety, Robb Webb whom while cleared of criminal charges in the death of a mentally disabled man, left a sour taste in the mouths of many residents, particularly when Hemet was forced spend some $400,000 to represent him (2017). When Webb was living in Murrieta when this incident took place. Another endorsee is Eric McBride, who was on the city council when Robin Lowe was on council. Last but not least, Scott Brown mysteriously disappeared (resigned) due to complaints of his inability to effectively lead the Fire Department.
Are these people you would want endorsing you?
Ann Smith | Contributor
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Such bias article should not be attached to the city of Hemet website.