Tag: texas

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Woman Dies Following Winchester Crash That Injured 3 Others

A woman who was among four people hospitalized over the weekend after a two-vehicle crash in Winchester has died.

Heat-Related ER Visits Spike In West As Summer Heats Up

CALIFORNIA —A heat wave baked the Golden State over the weekend, causing emergency room visits to spike in parts of Southern California.

One California town is tops in the US for number of supercommuters

The share of supercommuters — people who travel more than 90 minutes to get to work — is rising across the nation, but it may be rising fastest in California. 

Newsom, Democrats use cuts, reserves and ‘fiscal emergency’ declaration to solve California budget deficit

Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic lawmakers struck a deal Saturday to make $16 billion in cuts, declare a statewide fiscal emergency and pull money from the state’s rainy-day reserves to balance a $46.8-billion budget deficit in California.

Biden administration sues Texas governor over Rio Grande buoy barrier that’s meant to stop migrants

The Justice Department on Monday sued Texas Gov. Greg Abbott over a newly installed floating barrier on the Rio Grande that is the Republican’s latest aggressive tactic to try to stop migrants from crossing into the U.S. from Mexico.

Taxpayers finance political stunts by California, Florida and Texas governors

The cross-country game of oneupmanship between California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Republican governors of Florida and Texas is becoming more intense with every passing week.

Stalled gun bill advances in Texas after new mass shootings

Facing new pressure over gun violence in Texas after two more mass shootings, Republicans on Monday unexpectedly allowed a bill that would raise the purchase age for semiautomatic rifles from 18 to 21 to advance out of a House committee — even though the proposal has almost no chance of becoming law.

Police: 8 killed in Texas mall shooting, gunman also dead

A gunman stepped out of a silver sedan and started shooting people at a Dallas-area outlet mall Saturday, killing eight and wounding seven others — three critically — before being killed by a police officer who happened to be nearby, authorities said.

Mexico migrant camp tents torched across border from Texas

About two dozen makeshift tents were set ablaze and destroyed at a migrant camp across the border from Texas this week, witnesses said Friday, a sign of the extreme risk that comes with being stuck in Mexico as the Biden administration increasingly relies on that country to host people fleeing poverty and violence.


Heat-Related ER Visits Spike In West As Summer Heats Up

CALIFORNIA —A heat wave baked the Golden State over the weekend, causing emergency room visits to spike in parts of Southern California.

One California town is tops in the US for number of supercommuters

The share of supercommuters — people who travel more than 90 minutes to get to work — is rising across the nation, but it may be rising fastest in California. 

Newsom, Democrats use cuts, reserves and ‘fiscal emergency’ declaration to solve California budget deficit

Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic lawmakers struck a deal Saturday to make $16 billion in cuts, declare a statewide fiscal emergency and pull money from the state’s rainy-day reserves to balance a $46.8-billion budget deficit in California.

The Culture Wars Came to a California Suburb. A Leader Has Been Ousted.

From the start, the three conservative board members of the Temecula Valley Unified School District made clear where they stood.
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