Believe it or not, the San Jacinto City Council met in universal agreement on the agenda while totally ignoring the elephant in the room.
The council was late returning for a closed session, the results of which were either not disclosed or continued to a future date. After a musical interlude waiting for the council to return to open session, the usual intros were accommodated.
Special presentations included scholarships awarded by Interwest Community Foundation.
Next came a proclamation for Pride Month 2021, stating more or less that the city of San Jacinto is a multi-cultured city and that all walks of life are a welcome part of the community.
The Consent Calendar readings were waived and all items were passed by 4-0 vote with Council Woman Ruiz an excused absence, as follows:
Minutes from the June 1 regular meeting approved.
Warrants and Disbursements approved.
The City Council adopted Ordinance No. 21-05 repealing Chapter 930 of the San Jacinto Municipal Code. Established the Appropriations Limit from proceeds of taxes for the fiscal year 2021-2022.
Approved and adopted Resolution No. 3871 establishing the appropriations limit from proceeds of taxes for the fiscal year 2021-2022.
Approved the Professional Services Agreement with Robin Gilliland Consulting for Homeless and at-risk population (HARP) services.
Approved a Professional Services Agreement with Melendez Consulting, Inc.
Approved a Professional Services Agreement (3rd and final extension of the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Dave’s Hauling for right-of-way clean-up.
Approved a 1-year professional services agreement extension with Lynn Merrill and Associates for Fiscal Year 21-22 NFDES technical support.
Adopted Resolution 3860, approving wastewater rate increases pursuant to the Wastewater Rate study prepared by Raftelis; and pass-through increased to the rates adopted by Eastern Municipal Water District that are imposed on the city for a five year period commencing July 1, 2021, which includes 12% increase for the coming year and 8% per year for three years following.
Approved and adopted Resolution confirming a diagram and assessment and levying the assessment for Assessment District 2003-1 for FY 2021-2022.
Approved and adopted Resolution 3869 confirming a diagram and assessment and levying the assessment for the District for FY 21-22.
Approved and adopted Resolution 3868 confirming an assessment and levying the assessment for the District for FY 21-22.
City Council, by motion, approved Resolution No. 3861, adopting the updated 2020 City of San Jacinto Urban Water Management Plan and Water Shortage Contingency Plan, as required by the Urban Water Management Planning Act (California Water Management Plan and Water Shortage Contingency Plan, as required by the Urban Water Management Planning Act (California Water Code Section 10610 et seq.) And the Water Conservation Act of 2009 (California Water Code Section 10608 et seq).
Approved the Resolution and Agreement for Professional Assistance with Robert Brady.
Approved and accepted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title II, Self-evaluation and Transition Plan for receipt and file.
City Council, by motion, adopted Resolution No. 3872 adopting Fiscal Year Budget 2021-2022 for the General Fund and all other funds, except the Successor Agency, which is adopted by separate action. Approved the Successor Agency Board, by motion, adopt Resolution No. SA 21-02 adopting the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Operating and Capital Budget for the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Jacinto.
Note: DOCUMENTS RELATED TO OPEN SESSION AGENDAS (SB343) – any public record, relating to an open session agenda item, that is distributed within 72 hours prior to the meeting is available for public inspection at the public counter located in the Administration Building in City Hall, 595 S. San Jacinto Avenue, San Jacinto, CA 92583.
The elephant in their midst was Councilman Joe Lopez, who was out on bail from numerous charges against him when he was arrested a day before, more of which will be revealed as information is obtainable from the San Jacinto’s Police Department the District Attorney’s Office in Riverside. Innocent until proven otherwise.
Just sayin’ [email protected]
Rusty Strait • Senior Reporter
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