Letter to Editor
At the January 11, 2022 city council meeting, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A79JGYgjBSE Stephen Graham, attorney for the city of Hemet, told Malcolm Lilienthal: “Being king is good, sir” (time: 1:08:58)
We live in America, Mr. City Attorney. We do not have kings. In America, kings have no power. In America, Attorney Graham, we have Mayors of cities, and Mayors do have power.
Mayor Lilienthal, you are the Mayor of Hemet. You DO have power.
For example, last year’s Mayor, Karlee Meyer, overturned Hemet citizens’ vote. Karlee Meyer and the rest of Council appointed the city manager and finance director to invest Hemet’s money instead of the Treasurer the citizens had elected. You have the power to correct the disservice to Hemet citizens.
Free speech is the first amendment in America. The first amendment allows me to speak freely. Yet, Mayor Lilienthal, (time 1:29:05) you can be seen turning off my microphone during my speech and then telling me what I could and could not say. A clear violation of my first amendment rights recorded for all to see on YouTube.
Not only does the city of Hemet overturn the vote of its citizens, it denies them their constitutional rights. As Mayor, Mr. Lilienthal, you do NOT have the power to restrict my speech or tell me what to say.
Citizens are allowed three minutes to speak in front of city council. As the elected Treasurer of Hemet, I do not interrupt you nor do I tell you what you can say. It would be much appreciated if you would not use my time with your words and would not tell me what to say.
As Mayor, Mr. Lilienthal, you have the power and the opportunity to restore the will of the people and their vote. You have the power and the opportunity to cause the Treasurer of Hemet to invest on behalf of Hemet citizens.
The citizens of Hemet would appreciate you restoring their vote. As Mayor, you can cause the city Treasurer to do the investing for Hemet, just like the other city treasurers invest for their cities.
Sue Savage, Hemet City Treasurer,
Working hard for Hemet Citizens
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