Susan Beckett
I just finished checking out the political cartoon in the Chronicle’s “Politics” section this last week. It pictures two children with measles asking their mom to remind them why they didn’t get the measles shot. Her reply: “They’re bad for you. I read that somewhere on Facebook.”
Of course, this is a shot (no pun intended) at those who haven’t taken, nor will take, the Covid shot. I don’t know who designed and wrote this silly cartoon, but certainly they must have their head in the sand regarding this jab – do they ever listen to honest news? At least half the people I know personally who have had Covid had gotten the jab! They got Covid anyway and many others have suffered with side effects! One friend has just gotten out of the hospital with Covid after having had the initial jab plus a follow-up jab #2!
And just a sideline: Not one person I have known has ever gotten the measles vaccine and then contracted measles!!! As the age old question begs: Is a fisherman still a fisherman if he never catches any fish? So, if a vaccine doesn’t protect against what the vaccine is supposed to protect against, is the vaccine still a vaccine?! I think not.
Susan Beckett
Hemet, California
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