Some voters in the September 14 gubernatorial recall election will receive state voter information guides after they received their ballots, due to a delay encountered by the State of California in mailing these guides.
County voter information guides and vote-by-mail ballots have been mailed by Riverside County to all registered voters in the county. However, the state voter information guide, which contains candidate statements, were just mailed out over this last week. Voters should receive the state voter information guide in the mail by the end of this week.The State has indicated that the delay is caused in part by the 20-day public review period for the guide that is required under state law.
The Riverside County Registrar of Voters would like to remind voters that the state voting information guide can also be found at in the event that they have not received their state guides.
“The delay in mailing out state voting information guides is a state issue beyond our control, but we want voters to know this information is available online and how they can access it,” said Supervisor V. Manuel Perez, a member of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors Ad Hoc committee on the election process. “We encourage all registered voters to make their voice heard by casting a ballot in this statewide election.”
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