Tag: afghanistan

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California Joins Growing National Effort to Ban Smartphone Use in Schools

Gov. Gavin Newsom called on Tuesday for a statewide ban on smartphone use in California schools, joining a growing national effort to curb cyberbullying and classroom distraction by limiting access to the devices.

It’s one of California’s worst freeway bottlenecks. Will fixing it ruin the planet?

Underneath the Yolo Causeway near Sacramento, where a nearly half-billion-dollar effort is underway to add toll lanes to Interstate 80 and ease congestion, swollen rivers fill wetlands in the winter season and bat colonies roost in the bridge’s grooves in warm months.

Climate change is making more California homes dangerously hot. It’s time state laws caught up

Whether you rent or own in California, your home is required to have a functional heating system capable of keeping temperatures at least 70 degrees.

The Pinch Hitter  

What could be better than having your own personal pinch hitter - someone who would stand in for you at a moments notice?!

Afghanistan eats Joe’s and Nancy’s pork

On the night before Afghanistan collapsed, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and all the bigfoot Democrats were in the catbird seat. Their $4.5-trillion stimulus package was in the bag with both houses of Congress, and all that was left was the vote.

Blinken estimates 1,500 Americans may still await evacuation

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that as many as 1,500 Americans may be awaiting evacuation from Afghanistan, a figure that suggests this part of the U.S.-led airlift could be completed before President Joe Biden’s Tuesday deadline. Untold thousands of at-risk Afghans, however, are struggling to get into the Kabul airport.

Biden holds to Kabul Aug. 31 deadline despite criticism

U.S. President Joe Biden declared Tuesday he is sticking to his Aug. 31 deadline for completing a risky airlift of Americans, endangered Afghans and others seeking to escape Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The decision defies allied leaders who want to give the evacuation more time and opens Biden to criticism that he caved to Taliban deadline demands.

Deadly gunfire at airport; Taliban insist on US pullout date

A firefight outside Kabul’s international airport killed an Afghan soldier early Monday, highlighting the perils of evacuation efforts as the Taliban warned that any attempt by U.S. troops to delay their withdrawal to give people more time to flee would “provoke a reaction.”

US troops surge evacuations out of Kabul but threats persist

The U.S. military reported its biggest day of evacuation flights out of Afghanistan by far on Monday, but deadly violence that has blocked many desperate evacuees from entering Kabul's airport persisted, and the Taliban signaled they might soon seek to shut down the evacuation.


It’s one of California’s worst freeway bottlenecks. Will fixing it ruin the planet?

Underneath the Yolo Causeway near Sacramento, where a nearly half-billion-dollar effort is underway to add toll lanes to Interstate 80 and ease congestion, swollen rivers fill wetlands in the winter season and bat colonies roost in the bridge’s grooves in warm months.

Climate change is making more California homes dangerously hot. It’s time state laws caught up

Whether you rent or own in California, your home is required to have a functional heating system capable of keeping temperatures at least 70 degrees.

The Pinch Hitter  

What could be better than having your own personal pinch hitter - someone who would stand in for you at a moments notice?!

State board approves protections for hot workplaces

Relief is on the horizon for California fast-food workers operating hot kitchen appliances, logistics workers in vast inland warehouses that lack cooling equipment and others laboring in hot indoor settings as a state agency Thursday approved new workplace protections against excessive heat.
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