(Deni Mazingo)
DeniAntionette “Deni” Mazingo, candidate for Assembly District 42, has given us an update on a story which she broke exclusively to the HSJ Chronicle some weeks ago.
“I first alerted my constituents before any other candidate, and then I alerted the Chronicle as well,” said Mazingo.
The DMV’s “Motor Voter” program had been compromised yet again, and it was Ms. Mazingo who brought it to the attention of her constituency first.
Mazingo first alerted her base just prior to the 2020 first annual monthly meeting of The Democrats of Hemet-San Jacinto, on January 5.
The program had a botched implementation despite warnings about potential technology failures. Six ineligible people voted in the June 2018 primary. Two of the six also voted in the general election in November. The DMV reported making 105,000 registration errors in the months following the launch.
“While we recognize that voters are understandably disgusted with a program that has had ongoing problems, we want to assure our constituency that we on the Deni Mazingo team will continue to monitor this problem and demand accountability,” said Mazingo, adding, “We spotted the problem before anyone else and we have been and will continue to be at the forefront of those demanding accountability on this issue,” said Mazingo who was endorsed by California Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis, and just this week was endorsed by San Bernardino Chicano-Latino Caucus
The Hemet-San Jacinto Chronicle thanks Deni Mazingo without whose help this article would have been impossible.
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