Tuesday night’s council meeting came out of closed session a half-hour late and by the time they got down to serious business an hour had passed.
There were three items for discussion from the closed session. No action was taken with two of them. One item involving litigation was settled.
The following presentations were made by the council:
1. Presentation of a Donation to the City of Hemet Fire Department Explorer Post Number 620. The family of deceased fireman Kevin Wojeck donated $15,000 in cash plus new helmets and boots to the local Explorer Post 620. They promised to donate in the future if needed. An emotional film depicting young Kevin’s life was screened. Needless to say, there was hardly a dry eye in the room when it ended.
2. November 11th was proclaimed Veterans Day.
3. November proclaimed as Diabetes Awareness Month.
4. Proclamation honoring the 246th birthday of the United States Marine Corps.
5 November proclaimed to be Military Appreciation Month.
Comments from the Public:
Debra Scarcelli: Follow up from the previous meeting regarding issues between citizens and power outages that cost taxpayers thousands of dollars. Council agreed to investigate further.
Richard Cantla: Praising Hemet PD for taking care of an incident that began in his driveway into the streets, praising their quick action.
Jerry Ann Franklin: Representing Hemet West Mobile Home Park regarding surveyor action east of the Mobile Home Park. Council agreed to check into an application for a commercial-residential project that might interfere with the rights of Hemet West residents.
Received and filed: City of Hemet Warrant Registers dated October 7th, 2021, in the amount of $648,109.97 and October 21, 20-21, in the amount of $1,062,841.06. The payroll periods of September 20th, 2021-October 3, 2021, in the amount of $746,109.88, and October 4th, 2021- October 17th, 2021 in the amount of $762,187.65.
Passed 4-0 with conditions, a resolution of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California, adopting a schedule of user and regulatory fees for various city services.
Passed 4-0 with conditions, an ordinance of the City of Hemet, California, amending sections of Chapter 90 (zoning) of the Hemet Municipal Code to include emerging trends businesses for allowable uses.
Passed 4-0 An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California, amending three sections of Chapter 90 (zoning) of the Hemet Municipal Code Regarding an Amendment to the Building Height allowance in the (CM) Commercial Manufacturing Zone with Exceptions in the C-M (Commercial Manufacturing), Business Park (BP), M-1 (limited manufacturing) and M-2 (General Manufacturing Zones. Passed 4-0, with amendments, First Reading and introduction of an ordinance entitled, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California, amending two sections of Chapter 90 (zoning) of the Hemet Municipal Code to establish objective design and development standards and to amend site development review applications citywide.
Passed 4-0, First reading and adoption of ordinance 19811, an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California, approving a second amendment to development agreement amendment No. 20-001 for Amendment to Development Agreement Amendment No. 20-001 for Tres Cerritos West Between the City of Hemet and JMP Busby Hemet.
Passed 4-0, Consent Calendar with the exception of Resolution of the City of Hemet, California renewing a three-year small government enterprise license agreement (SGEA) with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) in the amount of $158,500 and authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement, annual purchase orders, and all other supporting documents related to the agreement. Mayor Karlee Meyer voted against the agreement because she claimed that the company injected itself into the recent municipal election.
Accepted Fiscal Year; end 2020-2021 Review and Quarterly Budget Update for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Quarterly Report.
Passed 4-0 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California Approving a subdivision improvement agreement, improvement security, and final tract map 36889 located at northwest corner of Thornton Avenue and Elk Street.
Passed 4-0 Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California approving a subdivision improvement agreement, improvement security and final tract map 36889, located at northwest corner of Thornton and Elk Street.
Passed 4-0 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California, approving a subdivision improvement agreement, improvement security, and final tract map 36891, located at southwest corner of Thornton Avenue and Elk Street.
Passed 4-0 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California authorizing the award of a purchase order to Fairview Ford for a 2022 Ford F-450 Super Cab Gas Engine Truck with a Pacific Service Body in the amount of $75,053.33 and authorizing the finance director to record a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $75,053.33 from fund 380 and authorize the City Manager to execute a purchase order to support of the award and declare vehicle #8254 as Surplus to be sold at auction.
Passed 4-0 A resolution of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California, authorizing the award of a purchase order to Plumbers Depot for a Compressed Natural Gas freightliner/GAPVAX combination jet/vacuum truck in the amount of $557,291.31; authorize the finance director to record a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $557,291.31 from Fund 224, and authorize the City Manager to execute a purchase order in support of the award and declare vehicle #4609 surplus to be sold at auction.
Passed 4-0 A resolution of the City of Hemet, California awarding a vehicle purchase of one 2022 Ford F-750 with a Douglas Service Body to Fritts Ford in the amount of $154,718.42.
Passed 4-0 A resolution of the City council of the City of Hemet, California to establish City of Hemet Community Facilities District No. 2021-02 (Heritage Pointe and to authorize the levy of a special tax within City of Hemet Community Facilities District No. 2021-02 (Heritage Pointe), generally located between Stetson Avenue, Chambers Street, Lyon Avenue and Palm Avenue.
Passed 4-0 First reading and adoption of Ordinance 1981, an ordinance of the city council of the City of Hemet, California approving a second amendment to development agreement amendment No. 20-001 for Tres Cerritos West between the City of Hemet and JMP Bixby Hemet.
Future Agenda Items:
1. Broadcasting of City Council Meetings
2. Vagrancy and Pan Handling Laws
3. Council Protocols
4. Animal Control Regulations for Businesses
5. Solar Feasibility
6, Review of Resolution No. 4703
7. Legal Review of Hemet Youth Baseball
8. Code Enforcement Efficiency Plan
9. Building Code Ordinances for New Single-family residence constructions.
10. Review of Section 82-172 of the City of Hemet Municipal code the council would get to the point and not argue and debate forever.
Rusty Strait | Senior Reporter
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