Riverside County’s scandal-plagued sheriff’s department needs serious reform




While many Republican and conservative Californians are big fans of Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, no one should forget that Bianco is fundamentally a tool of the county’s most powerful public employee union, the Riverside Sheriffs’ Association.

The union put him up to run in 2018, spent lavishly to get him elected and now essentially controls the department. The results have been catastrophic for Riverside County.

The California Department of Justice has already launched a civil rights investigation into the sheriff’s department to determine if the department “has engaged in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional policing amid deeply concerning allegations relating to conditions of confinement in its jail facilities, excessive force, and other misconduct.”

The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department has already settled a federal lawsuit prompted by deputies barging into the homes of an elderly couple without a warrant.

And now, families of some of the many jail inmates who have died in Riverside County jails have filed a federal lawsuit against the county and Sheriff Bianco. A record number of people died in custody last year, 18, the most in one year since 12 died back in 2005.

“Interviews and records show even more people have died after being in jail than the sheriff has publicly acknowledged — and that, in many cases, relatives aren’t told when inmates have life-threatening medical emergencies,” reports The Desert Sun. “The sheriff’s department and hospital staff often make potentially life-and-death decisions, while families are kept in the dark searching for basic information.”

This is unacceptable.

It’s also sadly all too predictable. This is what happens when a puppet of RSA gets into power. Riverside County residents should be outraged.

Riverside County Democrats should also be aware that Democratic Riverside County Supervisor Chuck Washington, who endorsed Bianco for sheriff in 2018, is actively touting Bianco’s endorsement of him in his 2024 re-election bid.

These problems are bigger than one person. It’s systemic.

Riverside County residents need to choose better county officials. The ones they have now are a disaster.

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  1. How about you don’t commit crimes and then avoid jail altogether… How about you parents raise law abiding children who act like citizens instead of animals when they grow up. Why don’t we blame criminals for the things they do and hold them accountable?

    • You Sir: at the very end of your POST/COMMENT/SUGGESTION?, gave the NEWS ARTICLE ACUSSING PUBLIC OFFICIALS of their overall criminal activities?, “VALIDITY!”.
      If our AUTHORITIES ( ELECTED OFFICIALS) rampantly display their disregard to FOLLOW AND OBEY THEIR OATHS to “SERVE THE PUBLIC?”. Then why aren’t ALL THOSE CORRUPT SELF SERVING OFFICIALS IN PRISON ALREADY?. Just the fact, that EX PRESIDENT TRUMP is being INDICTED ( along with several of his servant PUPPETS) for an unheard of long list of CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES?, has created the MAFIA STYLE ATMOSPHERE IN POLITICS AND IN GENERAL, that we are experiencing today.
      This “CANCER” didn’t started recently; it started long ago ( LIKE FAITH & RELIGIONS). But it has been GROWING & GROWING, there has always existed CORRUPTION, SPECIALLY IN GOVERNMENT; but WE THE PEOPLE (as our CONSTITUTION GIVES US POWER AND RIGHTS?). Have completely forgotten how to EXERT AND FORCE OUR WILL / WISHES?.

      • This man here wants criminals running the streets because that’s working so good everywhere else these people are amazing

      • You are either criminal or raised one…please tell me how right I am. Anyone who is a law abiding citizen in this county is tired of the homeless, meth heads, gang members, and rapists doing whatever they want…. you are probably one of those “they are innocent until proven guilty” people…remember that when you talk about trumps “indictment”.

  2. I agree with Marco Weston. I as a daughter of a former Police Officer know that being respectful of law enforcement and laws that are made to protect everyone these problems wouldn’t exist. I’m sure that if we all had to see what officers have to go through for at least one week then maybe some minds would be changed. Not one mention about losing 2 Riverside County Deputies within 2 weeks by Criminals that shouldn’t have ever been on the streets. These soft on crime District Attorney’s and Judges should be held accountable for their actions. The major reason that Our Sheriff is being constantly attacked by liberals is because he stands up to the people who have made it easy for criminals to continue their crimes. I know my Dad would be proud of the Sheriff if he was still here.

  3. I no longer have faith or trust in our law enforcement, judicial system…..every aspect of our government. When our leaders, our protectors continually turn a blind eye to the wrong doings of people in a position of power, while condemning others and often lie……I can no longer support any of them….republican or democrat! Our leaders in the White House, senate, congress and Supreme Court cannot keep from lying, stealing, cheating and the daily accusations of corruption on each side. When adults can’t get along, can’t stop from lying for their own personal benefit———we question why our children are shooting at the schools across our once great nation. Land of the free, home of the brave….hmmmmm

  4. I am unable to waist a thought or tear for those who died in custody as I am continually grieving for the Police who on a daily basis are killed in this country.

  5. I Fully support our law enforcement. Stop supporting criminals!!! This article takes aim at our department here in riverside county and it’s an absolute disgrace.

  6. Here in the Inland Empire we are surronded by a sea of blue, take a good look at their cities, filthy, crime ridden, drug infested. I grew up in ELA an was part of the problem, I gave my life to the Lord Jesus at 27, moved out of LA, because I did not want to raise my children in heathen controlled cities (Democrats) and found solace in the Inland Empire, I 100% support our Sheriff, and compared to San Francisco, Los Angeles and parts between he is doing an excellent job, I raised my 6 children here in Hemet, and 5 have college degrees! 1 is a two combat tour Army veteran who fought in Iraq during the “awakening”. I wish those who moved out here to leave the problems in LA behind whould leave their leftist politics there also, and thank God Almighty we have law enforcement officers who take pride in their work. Sure there will always be the exception, but unlike Ramparts Division, the exceptions are not the rule. The motto of our Sheriffs is not like LAPD “We treat you like a King” (Rodney)

  7. I Absolutely support the Riverside Sheriff’s Department! The only people who don’t are the ones who’ve committed a crime. Just be a good person and you need not worry about the law! Hard to believe it’s so difficult for some people to fathom.

  8. I think all these commenters are not coherent with their comments. 18 deaths by Sheriffs excessive force is the issue here and nothing else. Are you all saying that beating up inmates to death is OK and should not be punished or held accountable? The last time I checked excessive force and beating someone to death is murder and should be made responsible for their actions and if that falls in the hands of the Sheriff then he is responsible. No one should die in jails of prison unless that’s their sentence and in an execution . Most of these who die at the hands of violent officers are suffering from mental illness and should not even be in jail and are being slaughtered. Lets not pretend to not know that many law enforcement officers did not become cops to enforce the law but to abuse their power and practice this on anyone they encounter specially in jail. That is not. ok and just as wrong as criminals and crimes they committed.

    • It says “in custody deaths” not “killed by deputies”. A lot of those are overdoses, brought by smuggling in drugs

  9. Its amazing a (opinion) hit piece article like this can be written with no obvious authors name. The truth is Chad Bianco is a highly respected Sheriff and loved his employees. 18 in custody deaths does not mean the people were murdered jail staff. If they died at the hands of a deputy. Each case would be investigated as would any use of force death. No deputy wants to be arrested for murder. There are a lot of reasons people die in custody so wait for the facts to come out. Fentanyl is a huge issue for the country and that means jail too. Drugs, mental illness, excited delirium all come into play. Almost every space in the jail facilities are under video surveillance. Try working inside a locked facility with people who want an try to kill you as well as each other. Its a highly complex issue and Chad Bianco is not ordering the deaths of anyone. Deputies and investigators go to hundreds of homes, businesses and remote locations a day. As rare as it is, you may go to the wrong house or apartment. Hopefully you are smart enough to figure it out right away. If you don’t it could cost a lot and they were compensated for it. Chad Bianco is not corrupt because it happened on his watch.

    You never explained the corruption you lead the article with. How is Bianco taking anything in the form of compensation from the Sheriff’s office or anyone else. That would be corruption. This sheriff said he would not enforce covid and mask restrictions and he became a target. Popular leaders like him are often persecuted and eventually jailed for something one of their 3500 employees may do. He criticized Governor Newsom and some of the policies of the Liberal DA’s and judges. Now he is on the hit list and the federal government is after him. He is a fantastic leader. He ran unopposed last election because of his highly respected reputation. Next time you write something so obviously biased, bring some facts and you may get some respect.

  10. This article takes aim at the Sheriff’s Department and our great Sheriff Chad Bianco. The author of the article is nothing but a coward who is spreading nothing but lies and disinformation. Marco Weston pretty much summed it up to what a lot of us have been saying. The real cancer in this state starts with the circus clown we have as a governor and the state district attorney general. They and the demonrats are and have destroyed this state. They should be very happy that drag queens are indoctrinating our children in the classrooms.

  11. Drag queens indoctrinating children in the classroom ? Yes that’s the real problem . Why don’t you ask a mother whose child was gunned down by a mentally unbalanced person in their classroom if she sees that as the worst danger that a child could experience in their classroom . I will bet the farm that she would prefer to see her child alive and well being read stories by 10 drag queens , who indoctrinate children into learning about acceptance , diversity and respecting others .

  12. Opinions are just that, without this Sherriff all would run amuck and had been forced VAX, give him the benefit of the doubt. Lets talk about corruption from the top The Biden Admin

  13. The fact that Chad Bianco belongs to the “Constitutional Sherrif Association” says it all. Elected Law enforcement personnel must follow Federal and State law, not make up their own version of what law they will follow. He is anti democracy!

  14. Riv county sheriff’s are corrupt to the bone. The way they treat inmates is horrendous. Just look at how many have died in their custody. Bs. They operate without impunity. Doing whatever they want and getting away with everything. They are abusive. Down with them and down with tool Bianco. F em


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