You’ve got to give the San Jacinto City Council Credit for brevity. Their Tuesday night meeting opened at 6:30 PM and ended at 8:04 PM, and it was as if they were all late for dinner.
The meeting opened with an announcement that there was no action taken on the two items discussed in closed session. Invocation was given by Councilman Brian Hawkins, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Pro-tem, Phil Ayala.
Councilman Michael Heath was excused from the meeting by a vote of 4-0. The following proclamations were presented:
1. Proclaimed February as Black History Month. The council members each commented on the importance that it be recognized, pointing out the accomplishments of Blacks in American history; honoring Carter G.. Woodrow as the originator of Black History Month.
2. Proclaimed March as Red Cross Month. Pointing out that the American Red Cross was founded 140 years ago and is now worldwide.
3. Honored Noah McSweeney, the son of a long-time San Jacinto family who recently graduated boot camp in the United States Marine Corps. His father, Rick McSweeney was on hand to talk about his military family; Daughter Grace recently graduated from Navy boot camp Great Lakes Naval base near Chicago; Also, he stated that four of his seven children are currently serving in the military. Councilman Hawkins added that Mr. McSweeney should be proud of his military family and that it was an honor to have them as citizens of San Jacinto.
Mayor and Council Member reports were given. Mayor Ruiz made her statement short and sweet. “I know you were expecting a long report.” She set the example, not followed by all.
The mayor usually runs a tight ship. However, a city council is sometimes akin to a room full of two-year-olds. There were some comments from the public.
Gina Estrin spoke about the Human Relations Council and their March meeting at the Elks Club in Hemet. Karen Sumpter thanked the council members regarding Rancho Park having dirty bathrooms and generally not fit for small children.
The consent calendar passed 4-0 as follows: Waived full reading of Ordinances, and reading by title only.
Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 1, 2022.
They approved warrants and disbursements for the Period of January 2022 in the amount of $5,905,519.19. Resolution of Intention to Annex a territory, commonly known as DR Horton, into Community Facilities District No. 2003-1 and to authorize virtual meetings for the City Council and all City bodies for the next 30 days. Adopted the Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory, located generally north of the north-east corner of Alessandro Avenue and Cypress Avenue, into Community Facilities District No. 2003-1 and Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes therein.
Adopt the Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory, located generally north of Artesia street east of Alessandro Avenue, and west of Camino Los Banos, into Community Facilities District No. 2020-1 and Authorize the Levy Special Taxes therein.
Approved and authorized the mayor to execute and implement Secured Agreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless between the City of San Jacinto and San Jac 55, LLC.
Authorize the City Manager to enter into Model Home and Early Construction Agreements with Developers in a form reviewed and approved by the City Attorney.
Approved the purchase of and Appropriate the funds for a new 2021 Model 914 Caterpillar Wheel Loader for the Public Utilities Department for the quoted price of $151,269.08 (One Hundred fifty-One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars and Eight cents; and;
Approve the consideration of old Public Utilities Department equipment for trade-in value to minimize the quoted price of the above-mentioned Wheel Loader.
An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Chapter 3.08 of the San Jacinto Municipal Code related to Bidding, Contracting and Purchasing Supplies, Services and Equipment.
The City Manager updated city projects.
Adjourned at 8:04 PM.
Mayor Ruiz tries but sometimes just lets things run on. I do believe that Councilman Hawkins could run a solo Council Meeting. Just Sayin’ [email protected]
Rusty Strait | Senior Reporter
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