By a 3-2 vote, the City of Hemet terminated the services of long time City Attorney Eric Vail to take effect immediately and in replacing him interim City Attorney, Steven Graham from Cole Huber LLP. A permanent selection will be in completing an RFP process. A number of actions were taken and approved in public session. Presentation on the Simpson Center by General Manager Dean Wetter was well received by the council as were other items on the agenda:
1. Appointment of Dana Hill to the Hemet Planning Commission for a Partial Term set to expire on June 1, 2021. Vacancy resulted due to the Resignation of Commissioner Tiffany Leaverton.
2. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement with Congressman Raul Ruiz for one office.
3. Adoption of Ordinance Repealing Residential Rental Registration and Crime-Free Rental Housing Ordinance and Chronic Nuisance Abatement Ordinance.
4. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT (ZOA) NO. 20-002 (Height and FAR Exceptions in the Commercial Zones) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hemet Amending Section 90-45.3 of the Hemet Municipal Code to Clarify the Approval Authority for Administrative Adjustment Applications and Section 90-895(d) to Establish Parameters, Procedures and Findings for the Granting of Exceptions to Maximum Height, and Floor Area Ratio Standards for Hotel, Medical Facility, and Unique Projects located in Commercial Zones. (Second Reading)
5. A resolution of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California rescinding Resolution 3707, and authorizing investment of City of Hemet monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund.
8. Amendment No. 1 to Master Services Agreement for Paymentus Electronic Bill Payment Services.
9. Resolution Ratifying the Director of Emergency Services Order No. 4 Implementing Tolling Deadlines Prescribed in the Hemet Municipal Codes and Adopting an Amended Order of the Director of Emergency Services Order No. 4
10. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Hemet, California awarding Hardy & Harper, Inc., the 2017/18 Pavement Rehabilitation Project, CIP 5686, in the amount of $1,786,000 and waive any minor bid irregularities and authorize the City Manager to execute all contract documents and approve additional construction expenditures not to exceed 10% of the contract amount of $176,000 and authorize the finance director to re-appropriate $676, 245.09 of Measure ‘A’ Funds from the 2018/19 Slurry Seal Project and authorize the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion upon acceptance of the by the City Engineer.
11. A Resolution Awarding a Five-year Agreement for Body-Worn Camera and TASER Services to Axon International, Inc. In an amount not to exceed $495,839.97 and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement and Purchase Orders in Support of the Agreement.
12. COVID 19 Emergency Declaration Update.
13. Reinstate the CDBG Ad Hoc committee with the appointment of two Council members for the 2021-2022 CDBG application and funding recommendations.
14. Committee and ad hoc committees were appointed within the council members which is a pro forma action at the beginning of the new year.
Otherwise, most actions on the open agenda were unanimous except in one instance when Councilwoman Linda Krupa recused herself. The new council appears to be dedicated to getting on with the city’s business without a lot of fuss and feathers which is a blessing to the city if past performances are any example.
Rusty Strait • Senior Reporter
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