Tuesday’s San Jacinto City Council Meeting, as usual lately, flowed like a well-oiled machine with one bit of turbulence from a dissatisfied tax payer. The opening ceremonies went off like clockwork, with only 3 council members on hand. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved without change.
Approved Warrants and Disbursements in the amount of $2,961,697.90 for the period of June 2021.
Approved Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement of Completion of Public Improvements for Final Tract Map No. 31384-1 and 31384, between the City of San Jacinto, APEX HM, LLC and Desert-Candle, LP.
Authorized the 4% annual adjustment to the City Manager’s employment agreement as set forth in the employment agreement and approved a contract amendment to document the adjustment.
Introduced by title only, waived the further reading of an ORDINANCE NO. 21-06, to add Chapter 2.06 (electronic filing) to Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) of the San Jacinto Municipal Code relating to electronic filing of campaign statements and statements of economic interests.
Approved RESOLUTION NO. 3876 of the City Council of the City of San Jacinto, authorizing the electronic filing of statements of economic interests (Form 700) required by Government Code Section 87200 Et Seq. And Government Code Section 87300 Et Seq.
Received a presentation and report of the City’s HARP Outreach Program.
Approved the purchase of the Fitness Court in the amount of $121,369 from the National Fitness Campaign.
The City Manager presented an update of the City’s activities and progress since the last meeting and needless to say it was all roses and sweet scents.
There was much discussion about the homeless, drugs and disregard for public rules and decorum. Apparently, drug addicts have settled in behind Rite Aid Pharmacy. Maura Levy phoned in to complain about that and during her two minutes, she condemned the Council for being lax on the job and throwing good money after bad since money will not solve the problems the City has with either the homeless or druggies.
Councilwoman Crystal Ruiz praised the efforts of Harp and other agencies for the work they were doing to find housing and jobs for those who want help and punishing those who refuse help. Both she and the Mayor made it plain that San Jacinto is the wrong place to come if you do not comply with the laws and ordinances that exist there. Ruiz declared that how other cities handle such problems is not San Jacinto’s business but in San Jacinto it is either comply or move on.
There was unanimous agreement that San Jacinto was moving on to higher ground and if you did not comply, you would be left behind or taken care of in other ways. It was a no-nonsense meeting.
The City Manager declared that housing and business were growing at a rapid pace. The meeting was uplifting and made you proud if you resided in their fair City. With their expansion moving at such a rapid pace, it would not be surprising if they started annexation throughout the County areas of the Valley.
The meeting adjourned at 8:07 PM = after less than two hours. However, if their speed was calculated on radar, they might be breaking some laws if such things were timed.
Just sayin. [email protected]
Rusty Strait | Senior Reporter
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