Tag: Memorial

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Kaiser Permanente Northern California excels at cardiac surgery

Two Kaiser Permanente Northern California hospitals are among the top cardiothoracic surgery hospitals in the United States after being recognized by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) with the highest rating for isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) procedures.

Woman Dies Following Winchester Crash That Injured 3 Others

A woman who was among four people hospitalized over the weekend after a two-vehicle crash in Winchester has died.

Heat-Related ER Visits Spike In West As Summer Heats Up

CALIFORNIA —A heat wave baked the Golden State over the weekend, causing emergency room visits to spike in parts of Southern California.

One California town is tops in the US for number of supercommuters

The share of supercommuters — people who travel more than 90 minutes to get to work — is rising across the nation, but it may be rising fastest in California. 

Bob Saget, beloved TV dad of ‘Full House,’ dead at 65

Bob Saget, the actor-comedian known for his role as beloved single dad Danny Tanner on the sitcom “Full House” and as the wisecracking host of “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” died while on a stand-up tour. He was 65.

Remembering the COVID-19 victims

As 2020 came to a close, health officials remember the lives lost during the pandemic and remind residents that, collectively, everyone contributes to slowing the spread of the virus. Coronavirus caused or contributed to the deaths of hundreds of Riverside County residents, including two children under the age of 18.

Trebek brought consensus, class to a nation in need of both

In a politically torn, culturally divided and socially splintered America, there was one thing nearly everyone could agree on: Alex Trebek was awesome.


With great sadness, the Historic Hemet Theatre has announced the death of Program Director Bryan Carrier. Bryan died peacefully in his home on Sunday October 18th. Bryan’s health had declined during the Covid-19 quarantine, steadily draining his strength.

Community gathers to remember Trinity Clyde and Genesis Lopez-Araiza

Students of West Valley High organized and held a candlelight vigil in front of the high school on Wednesday, Feb. 25, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Woman Dies Following Winchester Crash That Injured 3 Others

A woman who was among four people hospitalized over the weekend after a two-vehicle crash in Winchester has died.

Heat-Related ER Visits Spike In West As Summer Heats Up

CALIFORNIA —A heat wave baked the Golden State over the weekend, causing emergency room visits to spike in parts of Southern California.

One California town is tops in the US for number of supercommuters

The share of supercommuters — people who travel more than 90 minutes to get to work — is rising across the nation, but it may be rising fastest in California. 

Newsom, Democrats use cuts, reserves and ‘fiscal emergency’ declaration to solve California budget deficit

Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic lawmakers struck a deal Saturday to make $16 billion in cuts, declare a statewide fiscal emergency and pull money from the state’s rainy-day reserves to balance a $46.8-billion budget deficit in California.
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