(CalRTA President)
Stresses Leadership, Membership, Advocacy
Addressing a group of 60 California Retired Teachers Association members and guests at their Division 33 holiday luncheon on Tuesday, December 10 at the Seven Hills Members Club in Hemet, Dr. Jim Mahoney, state president of the 40,000 strong organization, stressed the importance of leadership, membership and advocacy in an effort to support both working and retired public educators.
Despite the challenges that the 89 California area divisions face, such as resources and money, Mahoney, who assumed the CalRTA state presidency last June, reminded those in attendance that the organization has a lot of “talented folks” – the organization’s members are the critical “human resources.” Challenging those who shy away from volunteering, Mahoney said, “Don’t be afraid! You’re proven leaders. Be a help, be an assistant, quit worrying and invest in the future.”
Times are changing, Mahoney stressed. A “new group of people are retiring,” and CalRTA needs to approach them differently. “Get in there and talk to people,” he said, and share with them the many ways in which CalRTA advocates for retired public educators.
“We do more advocacy for senior teachers than anyone in the state,” Mahoney said, and urged those in attendance to share with others that CalRTA will continue to devote its time and energy to protect retired and active educators’ pensions and support public education in our communities.
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