There is something you need to know because it is of overwhelming importance to America’s survival as a constitutional democratic republic: The Biden administration is moving inexorably to making it a crime to oppose Biden and the Democrat party’s policies. Attorney General Merrick Garland is organizing a massive task force to hunt those illusory “White supremacists,” who just happen to be Trump supporters. Moreover, the federal charging documents against many of those being held for trespassing in Congress reveal that some of the people most active in planning January 6 and encouraging others to act were FBI agents or informants. In other words, it was a set-up.
On Tuesday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, who worked in the Obama administration, will lead a “whole of government” effort to root out “domestic terrorists.” These domestic terrorists, you will not be surprised to learn, are the same so-called “White supremacists” who engaged in what Democrats repeatedly call “the worst insurrection since the Civil War” on January 6. What that hyperbolic to the point of dishonest phrase describes is trespassing in Congress, something that has always been a preserve of the left. Of course, this time, it had a twist, because no Capitol police officer ever killed an unarmed leftist in cold blood.
Sundance, at The Conservative Treehouse, spells out what this means:
The purpose of this announcement should be crystal clear to everyone. We discussed and outlined the background previously.
In the background of these maneuvers Big Tech and Corporate Media have been instructed to push the “domestic extremist” narrative; and any truth-tellers are considered subversive, ie. against the interests of the U.S. government.
The January 6th DC protest is being used as evidence for that narrative. Deplatforming, censorship and ultimately control of voices who would warn of the larger issues continues daily.
Let me be very clear… stop and hear the drums… Something is about to happen. Approximately 100 million American voters are considered dissidents now.
Also on Tuesday, The Revolver published the results of its review of the charging documents the FBI wrote to justify the hundreds of arrests it carried out following January 6. As you think about these charges, keep in mind, again, that the only serious physical injury occurred when a Capitol police officer shot Ashli Babbitt in cold blood, that we know that the police invited people into the Capitol and that the Biden administration has refused to prosecute Antifa and BLM activists who grievously destroyed federal property and waged violent war against federal law enforcement:
• In the year leading up to 1/6 and during 1/6 itself, to what extent were the three primary militia groups (the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters) that the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon and network news have labeled most responsible for planning and executing a Capitol attack on 1/6 infiltrated by agencies of the federal government, or informants of said agencies?
• Exactly how many federal undercover agents or confidential informants were present at the Capitol or in the Capitol during the infamous “siege” and what roles did they play (merely passive informants or active instigators)?
• Finally, of all of the unindicted co-conspirators referenced in the charging documents of those indicted for crimes on 1/6, how many worked as a confidential informant or as an undercover operative for the federal government (FBI, Army Counterintelligence, etc.)?
From now on, all discussion of 1/6 must give way to a laser-like focus on the questions above, with an unwavering persistence at obtaining the answers.
If the narrative about 1/6 does not conform to the questions above, the American people will never learn the most important truth about what 1/6 is, and what kind of country they’re really living in.
If it turns out the federal government did in fact have undercover agents or confidential informants embedded within the so-called militia groups indicted for conspiring to obstruct the Senate certification on 1/6, the implications would be nothing short of seismic. Especially if such agents or informants enjoyed extremely senior-level positions within such groups.
Andrea Widburg • American Thinker
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