Tag: Memorial

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Nonprofits win big at the 16th annual Soboba Lip Sync Contest

It was a night of nonstop entertainment as a dozen local nonprofits competed for thousands of dollars in prize money at the 16th annual Soboba Lip Sync Contest June 14 presented by the Soboba Foundation and Soboba Casino Resort.

California Family Life Center chosen as 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year

Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh has chosen California Family Life Center as the 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year for the 23rd Senate District.

Southbound 15 Freeway Traffic Jammed After I-5 Shutdown

As of 11 a.m., two southbound I-5 traffic lanes were reopened. It was unclear when the freeway would fully reopen. A SigAlert remains in effect. (Renee Schiavone/Patch)

Four new California Laws going into effect on July 1

Subjects include safety at work and in bars, and the cost of renting a home or buying a gun.


The Gregg Figgins Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held Monday January 20, 2020 at the Golden Era Golf Course located at 19871 Gilman Springs Rd, San Jacinto.

Opal Owens, 49-year Hemet Resident, Passes Away

Opal Easter Owens, a 49-year resident of Hemet, California, died peacefully on December 6, 2019, at the age of 106 years and eight months.

San Jacinto School District Remembers 9/11

9/11/2019 - Bright sunshine morning, clouds sparse, and floating aloft. Three silver planes crossing the lazy skies with destination unknown and in no hurry to get there. All is well and happy with the world.


California Family Life Center chosen as 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year

Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh has chosen California Family Life Center as the 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year for the 23rd Senate District.

Southbound 15 Freeway Traffic Jammed After I-5 Shutdown

As of 11 a.m., two southbound I-5 traffic lanes were reopened. It was unclear when the freeway would fully reopen. A SigAlert remains in effect. (Renee Schiavone/Patch)

Four new California Laws going into effect on July 1

Subjects include safety at work and in bars, and the cost of renting a home or buying a gun.

California lawmakers send student gender notification bill to Newsom after explosive Assembly debate

After a chaotic debate on the Assembly floor full of shouting and tears, California lawmakers on Thursday sent Gov. Gavin Newsom a bill that would ban schools from requiring teachers to notify parents about changes to a student’s gender identity.
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