(American Legion Post 53)
American Legion Post 53 to present a Patsy Cline Christmas tribute
Bet you thought that the American Legion Post in Hemet was only a place where old soldiers went to spiel off stories about “their days when they were in the military”? If that’s what you think, you just ain’t been keeping up with the real deal.
The Legion has a lot more going on than that, and they mean to prove it to the community with a Country Christmas party on December 14th. Doors open at 6:30 a.m., breakfast (pancakes, eggs and sausage) will be served from 7:00a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
At noon comes the Army-Navy annual televised football brawl. But wai! That’s only the teaser.
The piece-de-resistance begins at 5:30 P.M. when the doors swing wide for the main event. Dinner at 6PM, followed by Bonnie Kilroe and her Country Christmas Tribute to Patsy Cline.
Before you start thinking that some girl is lip-synching to some old scratchy 78 Patsy Cline records, just stop before you get started.
Bonnie Kilroe is one of, if not the best, tribute singer in the country. She can emulate half a dozen headliners with perfect pitch to perfection.
“We were quite lucky to book her,”says Larry Blair, First Vice-Commander of the post. “She is on tour and we caught her just at the right time between gigs.”
If you have never heard her you are definitely in for a treat. Everybody likes a nostalgic trip down memory lane, back to the times when times were not going at such a rapid pace. Bonnie will give you that trip. Bonnie knows her stuff, having performed world wide to record-setting crowds.
She’ll be warbling songs that never die; Crazy, I Fall to Pieces, Walk on Down, I love you so much it hurts, The Wayward Wind, Why Can’t He Be You, So Wrong, San Antonio, Bill Bailey, Turn the Cards Slowly and many more. She’s got something for everybody.
I’m probably a bit biased since I come from hillbilly country and grew up with artists like Patsy Cline. However, I’ve been to clubs featuring the Cline type of music and heard young guys say, “I never heard that kind of music before. I kind of like it.”
This event is open to the public and for those who are not into soda pop, there is a bar where you old warriors and ilk can find refreshment.
So hitch up your giddy-up and join us! Just sayin’.
Details are as follows: AMERICAN LEGION POST 53 124 N. RAMONA STREET, HEMET CA
DINNER AND SHOW $25 SHOW ONLY $20 (951)658-2436
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