Donald Trump says that he is going to fix all of our problems as soon as he is elected. How is he going to fix everything? That is a million-dollar question, and I am the only one who knows the answer. No one else can figure out how it will be done. I can assure you that he has a brilliant strategy, and it will knock your socks off when you understand it, the way I understand it.
Trump has a three-pronged strategy to solve all the problems, and it is a solid strategy, guaranteed to succeed no matter what. First let’s look at the problems that are plaguing our nation, in Trump’s own words, and then I’ll explain his plans to solve them. I listened to his rally speeches, his press conferences, and his interviews, where he has summarized the ills that are killing our nation. According to him, if these problems continue, we won’t have a country left. We have to vote for him if we want to save this country, and only after he’s elected will his strategy kick in.
One of the problems that he hypes about is the inflation rate. According to Trump, inflation is the highest that it’s ever been in the history of our nation. If we elect Kamala, we will have a depression even worse than the Great Depression. We will lose everything. Prices will skyrocket. We’ll all be homeless, and we’ll have nothing to eat. Mass starvation, massive job losses, and an economy that will tank so hard that it will create a black hole in our universe.
This is where the first prong of his solution comes to light. Now, listen carefully. His plan is to say the opposite of what reality is. If he exaggerates an issue, and in this case totally fabricates a problem, then the problem will go away as soon as he is elected. If he tells us that inflation is very high, when in reality it is not, and you believe that he’s telling you the truth, then when he becomes the president, he’ll just say what the reality is and claim that it has now come down because of him. It is pure genius to claim to have fixed a problem that was never really a problem.
The second prong of his strategy goes hand in hand with the first, where he creates an issue from thin air and promises to get rid of it once elected. For example, he says that immigrants to this country have killed over a hundred thousand Americans PER YEAR. The data says that in 2023, the TOTAL NUMBER of murders in America was 18,456. That is the overall number, not just those committed by immigrants. Imagine how Trump will have this fixed on day one. Crime rate will vanish into the same thin air from whence he pulled those numbers. He is that good. Next, take his claim that Kamala will raise our taxes by up to 5 times what they are now. That means, using simple math, that some of us will be paying over 100% in taxes. He will put an end to it immediately. He’ll just stop saying it because it was never there in the first place. He created the issue, and he will end the issue.
The third prong of his strategy is the most important one. We all know about the border crisis. There are way too many people crossing our border. They are criminals, they are terrorists, they are rapists, and they are cannibals. I have seen some videos. Remember when Trump separated little children from their parents and put them in cages; well, he was dealing with terrorists and rapists. Imagine how horrible those migrants were; committing rape when they were only a few years old; committing terrorism when they could barely walk. That is how clever they are, disguising themselves in the form of small, cute, little children. Trump saw through their façade, and managed to apprehend them before they could do any harm.
He is going to solve the border crisis, he is going to end crime, he is going to end Russian aggression towards Ukraine, he is going to put China in its place, he is going to fix our climate, he is going to fix our economy, and he is going to create millions of jobs, by using one simple, yet very powerful, method. If you’ve ever seen Trump speak on a podium, then you are familiar with the way he moves his hands. He gesticulates in many different ways, from doing the thumb and fingers grip, to palms open and hands moving outward and inward. Just analyze his body language and you’ll see what I see.
That is the body language of a man who knows how to wield a magic wand, and how to cast a spell. Trump is a wizard, a very powerful one, and he has magical powers. He will use his magic to make all these complicated issues disappear as soon as he is elected as our next president. We know his magic is very effective, because for the last decade or so, he has kept millions of people spellbound, worshipping him, thinking of him as a divine being, doing whatever he’s commanded them to do, even committing crimes in his name. He has made them drink the Kool-Aid and show unquestioning obedience to him. A whole party has disgraced itself in his loyalty. Some of the smartest and most intelligent politicians have ruined their own legacies to propagate his lies and to defend his most indefensible acts. Even hardcore Christians have ignored the teachings of the Bible, just to kiss his behind, in a totally hypocritical way. All those people tolerating his morally, spiritually, ethically, and legally bankrupt actions, must be under a spell. Otherwise, they’ll see right through his crimes against this nation.