High school sports have been losing popularity the last ten years, some schools have even stopped playing certain sports due to not being able to put enough players on the field. It has been forgotten how amazing it is to be on a sports team. Depending on what type of coach you have, you can learn lessons that when applied to life will ensure success.
You build bonds with teammates that turn into a brotherhood and create memories that will never be forgotten. In an age where screens seem to take up everyone’s lives between phones, tv’s, and computers, sports are starting to be forgotten.
Students hardly show up to support their school sports. I remember when I was in middle school going to the football games on friday night was the place to be, now when I go to a football game, there is only a hand full of people in the stands.
Why has this happened? Have we forgotten what sports does to us? Teaching kids that cheating isn’t the way, that hard work pays off and that you can overcome adversity if you apply yourself to be great.
Our valley has so many ways you can get your kids involved with sports no matter what their experience level or skill is. Valley-Wide offers sports all year long, there are numerous football teams in the valley, travel baseball teams, soccer clubs, swimming clubs, etc. If you want your kids to learn social skills, hard work ethic, and respect, sports is where it starts.
There is also plenty of martial arts programs in the valley you can enroll your kids in, this will help them gain self confidence, respect, and make new friends.
Tim Kennedy (Army Sniper and Former UFC Fighter) said that the military is struggling to fill out their special forces boot camps because they used to go to schools and recruit outstanding athletes who weren’t getting the college attention they are looking for and now there is so little to choose from, it is getting harder and harder to fill up spots in the special forces.
If serving in the military is a goal for you or a child you know how to get involved with sports, it looks just as good to recruiters as ROTC or Explorer programs.
Participating in sports is something you’ll never forget and it doesn’t mean you have to put the controllers down, you can still be involved in sports and play video games, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. There are hundreds of options from traditional sports, extreme sports, team sports, or track, and field events. Something for everyone in Hemet and San Jacinto readily available and waiting for you to make a move.