Home Letters & Opinions Project Gilman Springs Road / Incomplete

Project Gilman Springs Road / Incomplete

Project Gilman Springs Road / Incomplete

According to the Riverside County Transportation Department, the safety improvement project of the Gilman Springs Road corridor, four of the six phases designed to significantly reduce the number of accidents on this highway have been completed at an accumulated cost of approximately $10.5 million dollars.

Phase 1 completed, consisting in pavement rehabilitation of 1500 feet south of State Route 79 to Soboba Road was completed in June 2013 at a cost of $2.4 million dollars. Improvements made were pavement grinding and overlay, rolled curb, median curb, and safety enhancements, including centerline rumble strips between Soboba Road and State Route 79, and median delineators and rumble strips across the westbound lanes west of Soboba Road.

Phase 2 completed, consisting in roadway improvements of 1500 feet south of State Route 60 to 1.7 miles south of Alessandro Blvd. completed in December 2013 at a cost of $6.3 million dollars. Improvements made were pavement rehabilitation, shoulder widening, and realignment of several curves, construction of a left-turn pocket at the intersection of Gilman Springs Road and Alessandro Blvd., construction of a southbound passing lane starting southerly of Alessandro Blvd. A portion of the project was done in cooperation with the City of Moreno Valley.

Phase 3 completed, consisting in curve alignment of 1000 feet North of Sublette Rd. (west) to Sublette Rd. (east) completed in December 2016 at a cost of $3.2 million dollars. Improvements made were new asphalt pavement, removal of old asphalt pavement (old alignment), roadway signs and markings, reflective pavement markers, and centerline rumble stripe, traffic signal improvements at the intersections of Gilman Springs Rd. (State St.) & Soboba Rd.

Phase 4A pending, consisting in shoulder widening & striped median, 1.7 miles south of Alessandro Blvd., to 1 mile south of Bridge St., construction start date TBD and project cost TBD. Proposed improvements: pavement widening to accommodate painted median with centerline rumble stripes, widening the paved shoulder, dirt shoulder, and slope grading, and extending existing drainage facilities.

Phase 4B pending, consisting in shoulder widening & striped median 1 mile south of Bridge St., to State Route 79, construction start date TBD and project cost TBD. Proposed improvements: pavement widening to accommodate painted median with centerline rumble stripes, widening the paved shoulder, dirt shoulder, and slope grading, and extending existing drainage facilities.

Phase 5 completed, consisting in traffic signal improvements on State Route 79 to 1500 feet south of State Route 79, completed in November 2018 at a cost of $945.000. Proposed improvements: pavement widening to accommodate 2 through lanes of travel in each direction between the on/off ramps, resurfacing from northbound ramps to 1500 feet south of SR-79, and traffic signal installation for northbound on and off-ramps.

Phase 6 pending, consisting in passing lane in segments between Jack Rabbit Trail and State Route 79, construction start date TBD and project cost TBD. Proposed improvements: construction of a North and Southbound passing lane between Jack Rabbit Trail and Bridge Street and a northbound passing lane between Bridge St. and SR-79.

For the time being, Gilman Springs Road is on the list of most dangerous highways in all of California. Hopefully, the completed phases of this rehabilitation project have made it safer than before (only those that drive regularly on this road know) and that proposed improvements once completed will significantly enhance road safety for all those commuters and travelers who need to use this artery on a regular basis.



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